Session 30: Preventing Dog Escapes and Kitchen Counter Scavenging
In episode 30, I answer a question from a listener about how to prevent your dog from escaping from your backyard. And, I answer a question about how to prevent kitchen counter scavenging. Also, I tell you about a really cool dog story about some lost dogs that were found [...]
Session 29: First Aid – Heat Stroke in Dogs and Teaching a Puppy to Fetch
In episode 29, I answer a question from a listener about exercising her dog when it’s hot outside. In the puppy section, I go through steps to teach your puppy to give you back the ball during fetch. In this session: Is hiking or [...]
Session 28: Training Dogs to Get Along With Each Other and Introducing a Puppy to a Long Line
In episode 28, I answer a question from a listener about how to train three of her dogs to get along with a new dog that she brought in, and in the puppy section I talk about introducing a puppy to more advanced work and expand your scope of influence [...]
Session 27: How to Coach a New Dog to Play Better With Your Existing Dog and How to Get a Puppy Out of Crate Calmly
In episode 27, I answer a listeners question about a couple of behavior scenarios with a new dog that he has 1) How to stop her from jumping up on the back door 2) How to get his new dog to play more sanely with his existing dog. In the [...]
Session 26: Teaching Your Dog to Recover From Stimulation and Teaching Your Puppy to NOT Jump Up
In episode 26, I answer a question from a listener about teaching your dog to get better at the skill of “recovery”. Said another way, how to teach your dog to be less reactive. In the puppy section, I go through some steps to teach your puppy to decide to [...]
Session 25: How to Make Abedience More Functional, Harnesses Versus Training Collars, and Teaching a Puppy an Advanced Sit
In episode 25, I answer a question from a listener about making the obedience that he’s learned in class more functional in real life. I answer another question about whether someone should use a “prong collar” in training. In the puppy section, I go through the steps for taking a [...]
Session 24: Feeding Your Best Friend Better: Interview with Dog Nutrition Expert and Author Rick Woodford
In episode 24, I interview author Rick Woodford. Rick’s compelling story about how he saved his own dog from lymphoma by simply upgrading his nutrition was the start of a long research project for Rick that resulted in his first book. In our discussion today, Rick gives you some quick [...]
Session 23: How to Stop Severe Leash Pulling and How to Use Posture to Settle Puppies
In episode 23, I answer a question from a listener about how to stop your dog from pulling when practicing loose leash walking around high level distractions. In the puppy section, I go through how to use posture to teach your puppy to settle more consistently when you greet your [...]
Session 22: Using an Air Sprayer to Stop Barking and Stubborn Puppy “Downing”
In episode 22, I answer a question from a listener about using an air sprayer to stop barking and what to do if your dog goes into a shutdown mode after you use one. In the puppy section, I go through some problem solving if your young puppy is stubborn [...]
Session 21: Coping With Fireworks Sounds and How to Deal With Off-Leash, Unfriendly Dogs
In episode 21, I discuss two different questions that have come in from a lot of listeners. Question1) what can I do to make my dog more comfortable during 4th of July fireworks? Question 2) what should I do if I’m out for a walk with my dog and a [...]
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About Sean
I’ve been training people and dogs in Seattle for the last decade and a half. My main focus when working with clients every week in one-on-one, private lessons is to help people learn to get their dogs to a functional level so that they can actually enjoy spending time every day with their dog instead of stressing about their dog’s behavior issues.
Ask Sean a question!
If we use your question in the show, Sean will send you a coupon code for free access to the online video course!
If you have a question you’d like me to respond to on the show (and you want to hear yourself on a future episode) leave me a voice mail! 1 (844) 364-7929 or email me here.