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Session 73: Skinner’s Four Quadrants – Part 1 of 2

By |2025-01-21T21:50:51-08:00July 21st, 2019|podcast|

Hey there Dog's Way fans, today it's time to get "geeky" and talk about Skinner's Four Quadrants. I get asked a lot about the references I make to B.F. Skinner and Skinner's Four Quadrants so it makes sense to go a bit further into what the concepts are behind positive and negative reinforcements, how [...]

Session 72: Interview with Author Bennie Copeland

By |2025-01-21T21:50:44-08:00July 1st, 2019|podcast|

Bennie Copeland and I had a great discussion! If you remember Bennie Copeland from Episode 61, you're going to love our continued conversation. Bennie is a trainer in the Nashville area, and recently published a book, Family Dog Fusion. It's full of insights and tips on how best to teach, train, love and build an [...]

Session 71: The Down Command with Eric Letendre

By |2025-01-21T21:50:34-08:00March 8th, 2019|podcast|

In episode 71, Sean interviews Eric Letendre about his method and tips for introducing the down command to a dog.  Sean and Eric talk about some of the pitfalls that people fall into when introducing an obedience command and how to progress from introduction to a little greater proficiency in the down. [...]

Session 53: Avoid These Three Dog Training Mistakes

By |2025-01-21T22:02:02-08:00June 28th, 2016|podcast|

In episode 53, Sean answers a question from a professional dog trainer.  She asks Sean about the differences in results that she gets when training a dog personally as opposed to the results that her clients get when training their dogs themselves.  Sean outlines the top three mistakes dog owners make in training their dogs [...]

Session 45: Fix Backyard Misbehavior

By |2025-01-21T22:07:18-08:00February 15th, 2016|podcast|

In episode 45, I answer a question from a listener about how to fix some backyard misbehavior.  One of the podcast listeners is having a challenge with her dog misbehaving in the backyard.  Her dog is apparently digging up some plants and chewing on parts of the deck.  I go through a step by step [...]

Session 44: Prevent Your Puppy from Chasing Your Kids

By |2025-01-21T22:07:40-08:00January 29th, 2016|podcast|

In episode 44, I give you a game plan to help your puppy learn to NOT chase your kids around the house or yard.  A listener from Australia sent in a question about their Lab puppy chasing, tackling and nipping at their three kids. In this session: Do you [...]

Session 43: How to Focus Your Puppy Before Group Class

By |2025-01-21T22:07:58-08:00January 18th, 2016|podcast|

In episode 43, I answer a question from a listener about how to prevent your puppy from “losing their mind” when you get to group obedience class.  One the podcast listeners sent me an email describing that their 5 month old puppy just can’t focus on them when they arrive at their puppy kindergarten class [...]

Do dogs experience the same emotions as humans?

By |2024-11-05T06:28:09-08:00November 13th, 2015|Tips|

Anyone who owns a dog or has owned a dog in the past most likely knows that dogs have feelings and emotions, and lots of them! In the past, researchers and scientists have argued that dogs really only react to certain situations; they don’t actually have emotions like humans do. Descartes and Malebranche, well known 17th-century [...]