Session 10: When Are You Picking Up a Small Dog Too Much?
In this week’s episode, I answer a caller’s question who wants a clarification on something they heard in podcast #7 about not picking up a small breed dog too much. And if that applies to her new smaller breed puppy. Also, in the adult dog section, I give you the [...]
SESSION 9: Puppy Stuff: How to Pick a Puppy From a Litter | Adult Dog Stuff: How to Condition Your Dog to Like Having a Bath
In this week’s episode, I discuss some of the results of our 21 day New Year’s behavior challenge! And, in our puppy segment, I answer a caller’s question about what to look for when you’re choosing a puppy. Also, in the adult dog section, I give you the steps to [...]
Session 8: Interview with Dr. Jake Tedaldi, Author of What’s Wrong with My Dog
In this week’s episode we talk to, Dr. Jake Tedaldi, the author of one of the best dog first aid books out there. His book, What’s Wrong with My Dog, has helped many dog owners more accurately assess the symptoms they’re seeing in their dogs, and has helped them more [...]
Session 7: How to Introduce a New Puppy Into Your Home When you Already Have an Existing Dog
In this session of the podcast, I go through the steps and tips of how to introduce a new puppy into your home when you already have an existing dog. And I discuss some of the problem solving I suggest to a listener who has a question about his dog [...]
Session 6: Puppies Meeting, Greeting and Interaction With Other Dogs and Puppies and Our for Dogs Over 7 Months Old
In this session of the podcast, I talk about what to do when your puppy loses awareness of you when going up to, and interacting with, other dogs. ALSO: For those of you that have a dog older than 7 months, I issue you a New Year’s resolution, 21 day [...]
Session 5: House Breaking For Puppies and Preparing Your Dog to Be Better Behaved During Holiday Parties
In this session of the podcast, I follow up on homework from session 4. We’ll answer a listener email about house breaking with puppies and then we go through a game plan to prepare your dog to be better behaved during parties. In this session: [...]
Session 4: Follow Up on Homework From Session 3 & Switch Gears to Learn How to Train Younger Puppies
In this session of the podcast, I follow up on homework from session 3. I answer some email questions from listeners and teach you how to “redo” your dog’s “front door ritual”. ALSO: I switch gears a little bit in the second half of today’s show and talk about how [...]
Session 3: Learn How to Structure Your Dog’s Lifestyle!
In this session of the podcast, I expand on the theory discussion from session 2 and I tell you what to adjust to be able to follow the natural learning process. I also give you an exercise so you can teach your dog to naturally walk on a loose leash. [...]
Session 2: Starting Out – Are You Having Some “Policy” Disagreements With Your Dog?
In this podcast episode, I discuss the start of training. In my “in-person” lessons we all start out at the same place. Whether someone just got a rescue dog a few weeks ago or whether they paid tens of thousands of dollars for a “fully trained” dog, we all [...]
Session 1: (Introduction Podcast) So, Who’s This Sean McDaniel Guy?
In this podcast, I go over what you can expect from our podcast on a weekly basis as well as who I am and where I’m coming from with regard to dog behavior and training. I give you some idea about how I got started in training (which is likely [...]
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About Sean
I’ve been training people and dogs in Seattle for the last decade and a half. My main focus when working with clients every week in one-on-one, private lessons is to help people learn to get their dogs to a functional level so that they can actually enjoy spending time every day with their dog instead of stressing about their dog’s behavior issues.
Ask Sean a question!
If we use your question in the show, Sean will send you a coupon code for free access to the online video course!
If you have a question you’d like me to respond to on the show (and you want to hear yourself on a future episode) leave me a voice mail! 1 (844) 364-7929 or email me here.