Session 110: Melissa Stagnaro of American Retteungshunde Sport Association
On this episode I introduce Melissa Stagnaro, the Vice President of American Retteungshunde Sport Association. With the long name, it is commonly nicknamed "RH". They are an organization that does "sport" search and rescue. This is a great sport for your dog that is incredibly unique, and focuses on [...]
Session 109: Interview with Elaine Rosen of Dog Lodge
On this episode I talk with Elaine Rosen, President and CEO of Dog Lodge, based in Texas. She also is the host of the podcast, Dog Lodge Radio. Dog Lodge is a great non-profit that deals with elderly and special needs dogs. It is essentially a senior dog retirement [...]
Session 108: Interview with Brad Bevill, Dallas Dog Behaviorist
On this episode, I sit down with Brad Bevill, who is an incredibly talented dog behavior expert. Brad's focus for dogs is teaching them to be in a follower mindset and balanced emotionally. Brad's focus for people is teaching them to be fair, and consistent leaders for their dogs, [...]
Session 107: Andi Brown Interview
Andi Brown is the author of The Whole Pet Diet, an interesting book on dog and cat nutrition. It's been a bit of a theme for the last few episodes. This is the end of that "mini-series" on nutrition for now, but I felt this story was a great [...]
Session 106: Interview with Integrated Veterinarian Dr. Gary Richter
I interview Dr. Gary Richter, a veterinarian from Oakland, California. Dr. Richter is an author and a designer of pet nutritional products and has a lot of interesting approaches to veterinary medicine as well as dog and cat nutrition.His book, The Ultimate Pet Health Guide, was originally approached to focus [...]
Session 105: Integrated Dog Training Featuring Michael Wombacher
This new book by Michael Wombacher is an incredibly illustrated and interesting book that I felt warranted another conversation! Michael's book has just been released and we sat down to discuss it. Making a photo rich book that used the images as so much of the story was something [...]
Session 104: The Essential Guide to Hiking with Dogs featuring Jen Sotolongo
Jen Sotolongo joins us on this episode to talk about her Adventure Dog Camps! What they're about, how she got started, and who the camp is designed for (dogs and humans). Sean and Jen discuss some of the unique things that many don't realize are essential for a dog [...]
Session 103: Interview with Dog Trainer Michael Wombacher
Mike has trained dogs for over 25 years, including dogs of celebrities, and is an author and lecturer. He is the author of Good Dog, Happy Baby: Preparing Your Dog for the Arrival of Your Child, There's A Puppy In The House: Surviving the First Five Months, and has [...]
Session 102: More Conversation with Dr. Lori Cesario
Dr. Lori Cesario is a leader in the field of veterinary oncology. We've spoken before, but you won't want to miss this follow up interview. It's packed full of useful tools - case studies for specific breeds, where to find the best solutions and preventative steps you can take [...]
Session 101: E-Collar Training Explored with Eric Letendre
We have a new conversation with Eric Letendre, a great trainer based in the Massachusetts area. Last time I spoke to Eric (in episode 66) he'd published his first book, The Deadly Dog Training Myth. There is so much conversation [...]
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About Sean
I’ve been training people and dogs in Seattle for the last decade and a half. My main focus when working with clients every week in one-on-one, private lessons is to help people learn to get their dogs to a functional level so that they can actually enjoy spending time every day with their dog instead of stressing about their dog’s behavior issues.
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If you have a question you’d like me to respond to on the show (and you want to hear yourself on a future episode) leave me a voice mail! 1 (844) 364-7929 or email me here.